Oh this is excellent, an opportunity for yet another makeover, to go with your physical move Carol, a bran-spankin-new blog to move into! I look forward to seeing you active again in the blogosphere.
Do you have a really comfortable (healthy) computer setup to use? It's IMPORTANT as you know. This is not a nag, it's a well-wish for you.
I am learning voice control (slo-o-o-wly learning; it's so hard to change habits!) as one way to continue computer work into the future without ongoing injury. I use a desktop very sparingly (20 min is all I can stand), but I LOVE my laptop, which I can use comfortably for hours. The voice control is for the desktop, and I can do things with it now from across the room, even dictate while walking around.
Oh this is excellent, an opportunity for yet another makeover, to go with your physical move Carol, a bran-spankin-new blog to move into! I look forward to seeing you active again in the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a really comfortable (healthy) computer setup to use? It's IMPORTANT as you know. This is not a nag, it's a well-wish for you.
I am learning voice control (slo-o-o-wly learning; it's so hard to change habits!) as one way to continue computer work into the future without ongoing injury. I use a desktop very sparingly (20 min is all I can stand), but I LOVE my laptop, which I can use comfortably for hours. The voice control is for the desktop, and I can do things with it now from across the room, even dictate while walking around.
(Good going Rich.)
Yay Mom! Love the color scheme... Love YOU!