Sunday, May 22, 2011

Terry and Me

Yesterday Terry spent a few hours with me.  At some point I decided that he had watched quite enough television and so I suggested that we walk over to the wetlands.  He liked that idea and soon we were on our way with Terry carrying a magnificent creature residence that would have worked quite well for the frog he planned to find.  Once there we found that most of the water had gone its way but there was one pond that was somewhat lower than we were and sort of fenced in.  Anyhow, Terry was sure we could manage to go over or under the fence and down he went.  I cautiously followed him and found myself sliding awhile and then sitting in the dirt and rocks that had preceded me.  I announced that we would go no further and Terry agreed but he did find a lady bug which be bravely captured and gave it an ample home in his whatchacall it.  THEN we discovered a quite lovely ball in the weeds - perhaps baskedball size.  So Terry carried the ball and I the ladybug in its new abode.  Once home he let the lady bug go.  Then he decided we would go outside and play with the new ball but first he had something important to do.  He got a marking pen and printed his name on the ball and then announced that he would but my name on as I helped him find it.  He got Gram and then asked if it would be a C or an S next.  Once he had my "name" on he then drew a stick picture of the two of us bouncing the ball back and forth.  That is what we did til I ran out of steam.
When Jen picked him up he is set to leave with the ball tucked under his arm when he suddenly stopped and went back to find the pen and then carefully crossed my name off the ball and just as carefully crossed the picture off also.  So I no longer have half inerest in the ball but I did learn alot about bugs.


  1. haha! Very sweet! I'm sad you got crossed off, though. Funny.

  2. Ah, but you didn't see the gleeful expression on his face as he deleted me.
